At Tucson 2017 I had my deathray longwave LED flashlight (as did one other fellow). We came across a vendor selling Mapami fluorite which fluoresced red under LW. Folks were excited but I kept telling them they would be disappointed when they got home as their ordinary, archaic fluorescent lighting would not evoke the response seen under powerful LW LEDs. As expected, they were. But lucky for them, the Convoy appeared on the scene shortly thereafter and I posted it to Nature's Rainbows. The rest is history.
Fast forward to Tucson 2018 and red fluorescing fluorites were the rage. Not common mind you, but very attractive when found.
This piece is from the Tule Mine, Melchor Múzquiz, Mun. de Melchor Múzquiz, Coahuila, Mexico. Really nothing under SW other than a bluish white fluorescence from some unknown coating (bird droppings?).