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Willemite, calcite, etc; Puttapa, Australia

Very nice, large specimen from the Beltana Mine, Puttapa, Leigh Creek, North Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia.

One of my favorite Puttapa specimens; I really like this one because it reacts better under midwave and longwave than most Puttapa material I've seen, and, of course, the shortwave response is fantastic. I also like how much "action" is shown in that piece; the typical banded pattern of the willemite was quite heavily disturbed when the calcite was injected; in some spots the bands are shattered and now "floating" in the calcite.

16,3 cm X 9,2 cm X 5,2 cm, 1074 grams (2 lbs 5,9 oz)

Shown in the slideshow below: Shortwave UV (254 nm tube lamp), Midwave UV (310 nm LED), Longwave UV, SW phosphorescence, MW phosphorescence, LW phosphorescence, Visible light. The reverse side of the specimen is shown in a second slideshow in the same order. Lastly, closeups on a select area of the specimen under SW, MW & LW are shown under.

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