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Condor Agate, Mendoza, Argentina

Chris Clemens

Fluorescent Condor agate from the Los Noquis deposit, San Rafael Department, Mendoza Province, Argentina. This agate specimen consists of a polished half-nodule featuring alternating bands of chalcedony and quartz, and has a central quartz-lined cavity which contains a single, large, transparent calcite crystal. The size of this specimen is 67 x 51 x 31 mm, and it weighs 133 grams.

As shown in the above photograph, taken under short wave UV (254 nm), the bands of chalcedony fluoresce bright green and the central calcite crystal shows a red-orange fluorescent response.

Under mid wave UV (302 nm), the bands of chalcedony fluoresce green to blue-green, and the central calcite crystal shows a vivid pink-magenta response.

Same specimen shown under visible light.

Reverse side (exterior) of agate nodule shown under visible light.

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