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Smithsonite, Glove Mine, Santa Cruz County, Arizona

Chris Clemens

Vivid pink and blue fluorescence is seen in this specimen of smithsonite from the Glove Mine in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. When viewed under visible light, a peach colored smithsonite druse and linear boxwork is seen. Fluorescent only under short wave UV, the freshly broken surfaces of the boxwork show a vivid pink response, while the crystalline druse fluoresces a pastel blue color. This smithsonite from the Glove Mine shows a fluorescent response that is very similar, but perhaps somewhat brighter, than seen in similar specimens from the better known Choix, Mexico smithsonite location.

The Glove Mine is a past producer of lead, zinc, silver, copper, gold and molybdenum, and began operation during the mid 1900's. It was named after the finger-like ore deposits which lined the ends of tubular ore chimneys like a glove covering the fingers of a hand.

Vivid pink and pastel blue fluorescence is seen under short wave UV (254 nm) from this smithsonite specimen from the Glove Mine.

Same specimen, shown under visible light, featuring a botryoidal peach colored smithsonite druse and linear segments of boxwork, with minor limonitic gossan matrix. This piece measures 112 x 55 x 37 mm, and it weighs 204 grams.

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