This banded fluorescent beauty is from the Pure Potential Mine in La Paz County, Arizona, and features alternating bands of red fluorescent calcite and blue fluorite. The size of this striking specimen is 84 x 73 x 56 mm, and weighs 292 grams.
The Pure Potential Mine, also known as the North Geronimo Mine, is located north of Yuma, Arizona. No longer active, it is a former underground operation that produced lead, zinc, silver, molybdenum, vanadium and fluorspar. Specimen mining still takes place at the Pure Potential Mine under private claim.

Shown above at its best under full wave UV (SW+MW+LW), the calcite fluoresces bright red and the fluorite blue.

The above photograph shows the fluorescent response under long wave UV (365 nm). The fluorite bands show a bright blue response, while the calcite shows only dim red fluorescence. Note: Due to the deep, saturated color of the blue fluorescence of the fluorite, it is not possible to accurately depict the brightness of the response.

Same specimen shown under visible light.