Pyromorphite. Resuperferolitica Mine, Minas Viejas, Santa Eufemia, Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain. These mines developed their maximum activity in the mid-nineteenth century, ending their work with the crisis of lead produced in 1912. Subsequently (1973-1977) benefited its tip by the method of flotation obtaining lead concentrate with a high law in silver (2500 grams per ton). In 1995, a group of mineralogists located in the southern gable of the already emptied reef of the Resuperferolítica concession, a large number of pyromorphite specimens, which were quickly incorporated into numerous public and private collections around the world. 70 x 55 mm.

Pyromorphite Superferrolitica Mine, Spain. MW

Pyromorphite Superferrolitica Mine, Spain. SW.

Pyromorphite Superferrolitica Mine, Spain. NL.