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Manganaxinite and Probable Margarosanite, Franklin mine, Franklin, New Jersey

Chris Clemens

Buff-colored piece of solid Axinite-(Mn) [aka manganaxinite], with minor willemite and a blue/white fluorescent mineral that is likely margarosanite. The manganaxinite shows a deep red FL response under short wave UV, and a similar but less bright response under long wave UV. Manganaxinite is an uncommon member of the highly sought after Parker Shaft suite of rare fluorescent minerals from the famous Franklin mine. The size of this specimen is 9.8 x 4.7 x 3.2 cm, and it weighs 197 grams.

The following photograph shows the fluorescent response under short wave UV (254nm):

The following gallery images show both sides of the specimen, photographed under visible light, short wave UV and long wave UV (left to right):

Click on above images for a larger view and UV wavelength information.

Margarosanite is another rare member of the Parker Shaft assemblage, and is one of the most expensive and sought-after minerals from Franklin. As seen in the following close-up images, the suspected margarosanite appears as patches and dots of small plate-like crystals that fluoresce light blue under both short and long wave UV.

Click on above images for a larger view and UV wavelength information.

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