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Davis Shaft, Columbia Mine, Marion, KY

David Sorrells

Collected in October 2016 during a visit with Mark and John in the late afternoon. In just a few minutes I learned some very valuable clues as what to look for in the day time from these two experts. They checked their finds with a grill cover and UV light in the bed of the truck, quite the setup :-). This piece is from a boulder that I busted that contained a variety of minerals - calcite, galena, sphalerite, barite, and hydrozincite (maybe others). All photos produced with a Nikon D3200, 8 seconds @f5.6, 200ISO, lens 18-55mm at about 30mm. Specimen is 16 cm (6.3 inches) long and about 8 cm (3.15 inches) tall at the highest point. First photo is SW.

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