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Marialite-Meionite Scapolite ("Wernerite"), Rose Road, Pitcairn, New York

Chris Clemens

This multi-wave fluorescent specimen contains wernerite, diopside and minor calcite, collected from the Purple Diopside Mound (PDM), Rose Road, Pitcairn, St. Lawrence Co., New York. Under short wave UV the wernerite fluoresces a warm cream color and the diopside a pale blue. At its best under long wave UV, the wernerite shows a bright yellow response and the diopside glows a beautiful sky blue. The calcite is only dimly fluorescent. The size of this specimen is 7.8 x 7.0 x 5.9 cm, and it weighs 333 grams. The PDM site on Rose Road is on private property, and collecting is by permission only.

Note: "Wernerite" is a popular, but obsolete name for an intermediate member of the marialite-meionite series of the scapolite group.

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