This is a spectacular and unique fluorescent specimen that has a lot going on under every UV wavelength. It perhaps shows the greatest variability of fluorescent response under different wavelengths of any piece in my collection. From Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan, it consists of blue Afghanite crystals on a matrix of colorless calcite and other unknown minerals. Nearly everything on this specimen is brightly fluorescent, with the exception of some minor pyrite. The Afghanite shows an orange fluorescent response under LW UV, and the calcite fluoresces bright pink and red under MW and SW UV. There are also other, unknown, fluorescent minerals present that show various blue, orange and white responses under different UV wavelengths. Specimen dimensions 9.4 x 5.4 x 3.0 cm, 118 grams.

The multi-colored, multi-wavelength fluorescent response is shown in the photo montage above, showing images taken under different UV wavelengths and visible light.

The photo above shows closer view of the specimen under visible light. The blue colored mineral crystals are afghanite.

Under long wave UV (365 nm), the afghanite shows an orange fluorescent response.

Under short wave UV (254 nm) the afghanite is not fluorescent, but calcite (red) and diopside (bright white) come to life.

The above image shows the specimen under mid wave UV (302 nm). Calcite fluoresces red-pink and other unknown minerals show blue and orange responses.