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Cataract Surgery - How does it Affect Our Eyes and Viewing Fluorescent Minerals

Serious question here. I just had cataract surgery and can now only see FS with sunglasses on. Does anyone know if this will improve as I heal or am I doomed to wearing sunglasses to see my beloved rock? I am using a cheap harbor freight light but my husband says he can see just fine. I’m on vacation and left my convoys at home. Will the filtered convoy make them visible without sunglasses. I’m feeling sad 😫

Sorry, what's "FS"? From my understanding, the cataracts probably caused a yellowish tint to your vision. Without that, blues should be improved. We should all be wearing UV-blocking eye protection of some sort when viewing our rocks in SW, whether eye glasses or goggles. Neither affects fluorescent colors. Why sunglasses?

Fluorescent sodalite. I just happened to have sunglasses sitting by me so popped them on. I do see all colors much better but not the fire in the fs it is just a dull red

Bad UV flashlight, that's all, husband notwithstanding! 365nm will solve.

A friend of mine has the same problem. Congrats, you can now see into the UV quite a bit. Go look for glasses with a Lutina filter (protect your eyes from any wavelengths below 420 nm.

Ok.. did your friends vision improve? Was hoping as I heal this will go away.

You should still be able to enjoy all your fluorescent minerals. Your artificial lens is enabling you to see a little bit into the LW spectrum now. Using your filtered LW flashlights will lessen the issue and wearing LW blocking glasses should basically totally fix it. :) I think Mark Cole has his lenses replaced. Mark, can you say anything about this changing over time?

thank you. Was not the result I was expecting and think it good to get this info out for others since it mystified me.

yeah, vastly improved blues with new non yellow lenses. The 395nm flashlight will be so much more obvious and onerous now with all that purple light drowning out the florescent colors. Filtered 365nm will be fine, even much better than your old eyeballs. Notice how much more vibrant the blues are in the world now?

Yes.. and whites are so white too.

From a recent Cochrane review- What is the aim of the review? The aim of this Cochrane Review was to find out if blue-light filtering artificial lenses, also known as intraocular lenses (IOLs) protect the back of the eye. Cochrane Review authors collected and analysed all relevant studies to answer this question and found 51 studies. Key messages

There is little evidence of any important differences between blue-light filtering and non-blue-light filtering lenses. However, studies have been too small and too short-term to provide a reliable answer to this question.

What was studied in the review? Sometimes the lens in the eye becomes cloudy, often as people become older. Cataract surgery involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial one. This artificial lens is known as an 'intraocular lens' or IOL. These IOLs contain a filter to block harmful ultra-violet (UV) light. Some lenses also have a filter to block visible blue light. In theory, high levels of blue light could damage the back of the eye that controls central vision (the macula). It has been suggested that blue-light filtering IOLs may help to protect the macula and prevent a common cause of visual loss in older people, age-related macular degeneration.

What are the main results of the review? Cochrane Review authors included 51 studies from 17 different countries in this review. The review showed that:

  • there is probably no important difference in distance vision between blue-light filtering artificial lenses and non-blue-light filtering lenses 12 months after surgery (we are moderately certain about this evidence);

  • there were no relevant data on contrast sensitivity (being a person's ability to differentiate an object from its background) and colour discrimination, being two measures of macular health;

  • none of the people taking part in these studies developed age-related macular degeneration within the follow-up period (we are very uncertain about this evidence);

  • there was no evidence on adverse outcomes that may be related to the blue-light filtering IOLs (for example, sleep disturbance).

How up-to-date is this review? Cochrane Review authors searched for studies that had been published up to 25 October 2017. Authors' conclusions: This systematic review shows with moderate certainty that there is no clinically meaningful difference

NB- not everyone has proper IOL implantation post-cataract surgery. One of the reasons is apparently that Medicare coverage for the IOLs isn’t universal; for example IOLs correcting pre-existing astigmatism aren’t covered.

When I had my eyeballs done I was given the choice between blue blockers and normal lenses. Given my hobby i elected for just UV protection (380nm and below), not yellowed lenses

does WTC have a patent on those?

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