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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Root Beer Fluorite, Graymont Quarry, Genoa, Ohio
This large specimen from the Graymont Quarry in Genoa, Ohio features colorless, transparent fluorite cubes with root beer brown, zoned...

Fluorite, Graymont Quarry, Genoa, Ohio
This is a brightly fluorescent cluster of root beer brown colored fluorite cubes, with white bladed celestine crystals, from the Graymont...

Fluorite, Pugh Quarry, Custar, Ohio
The Pugh Quarry is a large open pit limestone operation located near the town of Custar, in Wood County, northwest Ohio, and has been a...

Fluorite - Bluffton Quarry, Ohio
Massive translucent brown fluorite exhibiting two-tone fluorescence of white and violet in LW. Lit by a pair of 365nm flashlights....

Fluorite - Bluffton Quarry, Ohio
Macro photos of translucent brown fluorite crystals up to 7mm on matrix. Microcrystals of pyrite are also visible in white light. The...

Calcite Crystals on Limestone, Pugh Quarry, Custar, Ohio
This midwestern fluorescent beauty consists of pockets of scalenohedral calcite crystals on a limestone matrix, and was collected from...

Root Beer Fluorite from Clay Center, Ohio; A Midwest Fluorescent Classic
Lustrous root beer-colored fluorite cubes on a light grey limestone matrix, from the Stoneco White Rock Quarry, Clay Center, Ottawa Co.,...

Fluorite from Bluffton, Ohio
The Midwest is host to a variety of locations that have produced unique fluorite specimens that do not show the typical deep blue...

Non-Root Beer Fluorite from Clay Center, Ohio
This is lovely and somewhat unusual fluorite from a classic Midwest location. This specimen originated from the White Rock Quarry in...

A Beautiful Midwestern Fluorescent Classic- Celestine, Strontianite and Calcite from the Stoneco Lim
This is a matrix-free cluster of blocky white celestine crystals, partially altered to strontianite, and honey-colored calcite...

Terlingua-type Calcite from an Unusual Location
Collectors of fluorescent minerals are familiar with the beautiful multi-wavelength fluorescent response of Terlingua calcite. By...

Celestine, Strontianite and Calcite, from the Stoneco Quarry, Lime City, Ohio
From the Stoneco Quarry, Lime City, Wood Co., Ohio, this is a beautiful Midwestern fluorescent specimen consisting of blocky, white...

Calcite and Celestine, Stoneco Quarry, Lime City, Ohio
This beautiful fluorescent specimen from the Midwest features a prominent doubly-terminated calcite crystal on a limestone matrix,...

Fluorite and Calcite, Stoneco Quarry, Lime City, Ohio
This is an exceptionally bright fluorescent specimen of amber-colored fluorite cubes on a bed of micro calcite crystals, on limestone...

Brightly Fluorescent and Phosphorescent Celestine, Strontianite and Calcite, Lime City, Ohio
Beautiful fluorescent specimen consisting of clusters of celestine and calcite crystals, from the Stoneco Quarry, Lime City, Wood Co.,...

Fluorite and Celestine, Stoneco White Rock Quarry, Clay Center, Ohio
Root beer-colored fluorite cubes with white translucent blades of celestine, from the Stoneco White Rock Quarry, Clay Center, Ottawa Co.,...

Root Beer Fluorite Cube with Celestine, Stoneco White Rock Quarry, Clay Center, Ohio
A single, large, root beer-colored fluorite cube with minor translucent celestine, from the Stoneco White Rock Quarry, Clay Center,...

Fluorescent/Phosphorescent Celestine and Strontianite, Lime City, Ohio
Blocky, white, celestine crystals, partially altered to strontianite, sit on a light-colored limestone matrix, from the Stoneco Quarry,...
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