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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Linde Star Sapphire
In 1947, the Linde Air Products Company of New York began producing a form of synthetic gem corundum that was marketed in the gemstone...

Multi-Colored Sphalerite, Balmat No. 4 Mine, Balmat, New York
Featured here are two specimens consisting of sphalerite/zinc ore from the ZCA Mine No. 4 (now called the Empire State No. 4 Mine),...

Multi-Colored Sphalerite, Balmat No. 4 Mine, Balmat, New York
Large, triangular-shaped piece of metallic grey colored sphalerite/zinc ore with brassy grains of an unidentified sulfide mineral (pyrite...

Bird's Eye Sphalerite, Balmat, New York
Recently acquired bird's eye sphalerite from Balmat, NY,. They fluoresce purple/blue/green under long-wave UV. This specimen above is a...

Anthophyllite, Tremolite, Talc - Talcville, New York
A mixture of anthophyllite (formerly known as manganocummingtonite) and tremolite crystals with minor talc. The anthophyllite fluoresces...

Fluorite Cubes, Walworth Quarry, Walworth, New York
The Walworth Quarry has been a productive source of highly desirable fluorite specimens for many years. The Walworth fluorites are...

Chondrodite and Diopside, Warwick, New York
The Amity area of the Town of Warwick, in Orange County, New York, is located near the central region of the Franklin marble belt, and is...

Willemite, Balmat, New York
Light grey, translucent crystals of willemite on and in a light grey matrix, from Balmat, St. Lawrence Co., New York. The willemite...

Manganocummingtonite, Tremolite, Talc - Talcville, NY
This is a beautiful pair of 6" specimens from the Talc mines in New York. Photographed in LW, SW and NL.

Manganocummingtonite, Tremolite, Talcville NY
Pink/Red Manganocummingtonite (LW), Orange Tremolite (SW, LW). This 3" specimen is from the No. 8 Reynolds Mine in Talcville NY. The LW...

Wollastonite, Willsboro, New York
Collectors of fluorescent minerals are familiar with the bright, warm yellow, fluorescent wollastonite from the Franklin/Sterling Hill,...

Marialite-Meionite Scapolite ("Wernerite"), Rose Road, Pitcairn, New York
This multi-wave fluorescent specimen contains wernerite, diopside and minor calcite, collected from the Purple Diopside Mound (PDM), Rose...

Brightly Fluorescent Diopside in Calcite, Fort Ann, New York
This is a spectacular fluorescent Diopside specimen that rivals most Franklin material for brightness. Collected in 1995 from a roadcut...

Diopside in Calcite, Fort Ann, New York
Grains of brightly fluorescent diopside with minor non-fluorescent pyrite in a calcite groundmass, from the Rt. 4 Roadcut, Fort Ann,...

Talc, Gouveneur Talc Co. Mine, Balmat, New York
Mass of platy, cream/white-colored talc crystals, from the Gouveneur Talc Co. Mine, Balmat, New York. This specimen shows an...

Tremolite and Anthophyllite, Balmat, New York
Foliated layers of needle-like crystals of light pink tremolite and intergrown anthophyllite, from Balmat, St. Lawrence County, New York....

Rare Orange Fluorescent Turneaurite from Balmat, New York
This specimen contains grains of orange fluorescent turneaurite in a non-fluorescent matrix, from the ZCA No. 4 Mine, Balmat, St....

Orange Fluorescent Sphalerite, Balmat, New York
This specimen contains light colored veins and masses of sphalerite in a dark matrix, from Balmat, St. Lawrence Co., New York. The...

Multicolored Birdseye Sphalerite Set, Balmat, NY
Here is a set of three different Birdseye Sphalerite pieces from the Zinc Corporation of America Mine #4 in Balmat, NY. This sphalerite...

Anthophyllite, Talc, Tremolite - Talcville, NY
A number of these pieces from an old 60s collection hit the market over the last year. This is one of the more interesting examples. It...
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