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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Hyalite-Coated Chalcedony and Fluorite, SK Star Claim #2, Juab Co., Utah
This interesting and unique fluorescent specimen looks like something you'd expect to find in an underwater coral reef. Collected from...

Red Trinitite, a Piece of Atomic History
Red trinitite is technically not a true mineral, because it was not formed through a geologic process. Rather, this brick-red colored...

Sphalerite, Ophir Hill Mine, Tooele County, Utah
Sawn slab of zinc ore consisting of sphalerite, galena, and other unidentified minerals, from the Ophir Hill Mine, Tooele County, Utah. ...

Selenite Flower, Sheridan County, Wyoming
At first glace, this looks like a classic selenite rosette from the Red River Floodway, Manitoba, Canada. But no, guess again! This...

Tiffany Stone, Brush Wellman Mine, Delta, Utah
Tiffany stone is a complex rock composed of opalized fluorite with bands and veins of chalcedony, manganese oxide and bertrandite. The...

Yttrofluorite, Joseph Mine, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
Yttrofluorite is a variety of fluorite in which the rare earth element yttrium substitutes for some of the calcium in the fluorite (CaF2)...

Yttrofluorite, Joseph Mine, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
Yttrofluorite is a variety of fluorite in which the rare earth element yttrium substitutes for some of the calcium in the fluorite...

Hydrozincite, Sphalerite from Green Monster Mine, Nevada
One of the many specimens collected in the Green Monster Mine, Sandy Valley, Nevada, in early January 2022. The blue-white fluorescent is...

Green Fluorescent Fluorite, Fourmile Creek, Colorado
Rare green fluorescent botryoidal fluorite from the Fourmile Creek area, near Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado. Fluorite in...

Scheelite, Ophir Hill Mine, Tooele County, Utah
Brightly fluorescent, submillimeter, octahedral crystals of scheelite on matrix; from the Ophir Hill Mine, Tooele, Utah. This specimen...

Sphalerite and Fluorite Make for a Beautiful 2-Color Rock from the Sweet Home Mine, Alma, Colorado
To mineral collectors, the Sweet Home Mine in Alma, Colorado is best known as a producer of some of the finest rhodochrosite specimens in...

Willemite and Sphalerite, Miller Canyon, Arizona
This lovely 2-color fluorescent specimen contains willemite and sphalerite, and is from the Nelly James Mine (also known as Miller...

Calcite, Willemite and Hydrozincite, Miller Canyon, Arizona
This beautiful 4-color rock is from the Nelly James Mine (also known as Miller Canyon), in southern Arizona. At its best under short...

Calcite, Fluorite and Willemite from Hidalgo County, New Mexico
This beautiful 3-color fluorescent rock features a combination of calcite, willemite and fluorite and is part of a find made by New...

Spectacular 3-Color Fluorescent Beauty from the Land of Enchantment
This stunning fluorescent rock features a beautiful 3-color combination of calcite, willemite and fluorite and is part of a find made by...

Smithsonite, Glove Mine, Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Vivid pink and blue fluorescence is seen in this specimen of smithsonite from the Glove Mine in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. When viewed...

Smithsonite, Glove Mine, Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Vivid pink and blue fluorescence is seen in this specimen of smithsonite from the Glove Mine in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. When viewed...

Banded Fluorite and Calcite, Pure Potential Mine, La Paz County, Arizona
This banded fluorescent beauty is from the Pure Potential Mine in La Paz County, Arizona, and features alternating bands of red...

Zunyite - Big Bertha Mine, Arizona
Tiny (1mm) colorless to brown zunyite crystals in quartz matrix, fluorescing deep red in SW. Yellow-fluorescing microcrystals of what is...

Chalcedony - Burro Creek Agate Occurrence, Arizona
This material is variously called chalcedony, agate, or pastellite jasper. It comes from an area south of Burro Creek. Pale blue in white...
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