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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Hackmanite, scapolite, johachidolite, etc., from Myanmar
Small but lovely specimen, consisting of hackmanite, scapolite, johachidolite and feldspar. The hackmanite is so tenebrescent, even under...

Hackmanite, scapolite and feldspar, from Myanmar
Small but really nice specimen, consisting of sodalite var. hackmanite, along with scapolite and feldspar. The hackmanite shows deep...

Hackmanite, scapolite, johachidolite, feldspar, etc, from Myanmar
Shown here is a very nice specimen of super deeply tenebrescent sodalite var. hackmanite, from the Mogok Township, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District,...

Gem Scapolite Crystal from Karur, India
This large, pale yellow, gem scapolite crystal is from the scapolite locality in the Karur District, Tamil Nadu, India. It is...

New find - 3 colors longwave scapolite, prehnite and calcite, from Quebec, Canada
During an exploration trip with one of my partners on April 30 2022, in the area of Saint-Michel-De-Wentworth, north-east of...

New find - 3 colors longwave scapolite, prehnite and calcite, from Quebec, Canada
During an exploration trip with one of my partners on April 30 2022, in the area of Saint-Michel-De-Wentworth, north-east of...

New find - 2 colors longwave scapolite and prehnite, from Quebec, Canada
During an exploration trip with one of my partners on April 30 2022, in the area of Saint-Michel-De-Wentworth, north-east of...

Two colors longwave UV fluorescent specimen from Grenville-Sur-La-Rouge, Québec, Canada
This specimen consists of a combination of scapolite, with an unidentified mineral that glows very bright light blue under longwave UV....

Fluorescent albite, with scapolite, from the Laurentians, Quebec, Canada
Shown here is a nice cabinet-sized specimen of calc-silicated skarn rock containing scapolite (typical bright yellow response under LW),...

Scapolite, with a uranyl-activated coating - Papineau RCM, Outaouais, Quebec, Canada
Very brightly fluorescent scapolite, from a new locality visited in October & November 2020 with one of my collecting partners....

Fluorescent Gem Scapolite from Tanzania
This sparkling little gem scapolite crystal was a find at the 2018 Tucson Gem & Mineral Show. Its country of origin is Tanzania, but the...

Afghanistan Minerals - New Identifications
There have been several posts in our Facebook Group ( recently identifying some of...

Mizzonite, Marialite, Scapolite. What's in a name?
Here's a beautiful, red fluorescing mizzonite from the mountains near Lone Pine, California. At least that's what the card reads....

Scapolite, Willemite, Calcite, Quartz, and Pyroxene: A Potpourri of Franklin Minerals
Willemite and calcite are staples of the Franklin Mine; scapolite, quartz and pyroxene, probably less so. Here's a small, but...

Scapolite Crystal, Yates Mine, Québec, Canada
This is a particularly well-formed, terminated, single, crystal of fluorescent scapolite from the Yates mine, Otter Lake, Québec, Canada....

Scapolite, Feldspar and Uraninite; Ontario, Canada
Very interesting fluorescent specimen consisting of a cluster of large, blocky, light-colored scapolite crystals (partially altered to...

Scapolite and Calcite, Sterling Hill, New Jersey
This rock contains an assemblage of light, colorless scapolite and calcite and dark franklinite, from the famous Sterling Mine, Sterling...

Scapolite, Valyermo, California
California has a wide variety of minerals from a wide variety of locales. Here is a scapolite from Valyermo, in the High Desert area of...

Scapolite Crystals - Badakshan, Afghanistan, the next big locality for fluorescent minerals
This rock is from Badakhshan, Afghanistan. It has purple scapolite crystals that glow red in SW. The pinkish matrix next to the large...
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