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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Fluorite, Graymont Quarry, Genoa, Ohio
This is a brightly fluorescent cluster of root beer brown colored fluorite cubes, with white bladed celestine crystals, from the Graymont...

Barite, Celestine and Aragonite, Annabel Lee Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Nodules of barite and aragonite are perched on an underlying base of celestine and fluorite on this beautiful specimen from the Annabel...

Fluorite, Pugh Quarry, Custar, Ohio
The Pugh Quarry is a large open pit limestone operation located near the town of Custar, in Wood County, northwest Ohio, and has been a...

Fluorite, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Fluorite is not a commonly occurring mineral species in the state of Wisconsin, but here's a rare example of the elusive Wisconsin...

Blue Fluorescent Fluorite Cubes, Minerva No. 1 Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
The Cave-In-Rock area of Hardin County in southern Illinois is known for producing some of the most spectacular display quality fluorite...

Unusual Solution Barite from the Linwood Mine, Buffalo, Iowa
The Linwood Mine, an underground limestone mine in Buffalo, Scott County, Iowa, is known for producing beautiful display quality calcite...

Fluorite - Bluffton Quarry, Ohio
Massive translucent brown fluorite exhibiting two-tone fluorescence of white and violet in LW. Lit by a pair of 365nm flashlights....

Fluorite - Bluffton Quarry, Ohio
Macro photos of translucent brown fluorite crystals up to 7mm on matrix. Microcrystals of pyrite are also visible in white light. The...

Calcite from the West Fork Mine, a Midwestern, Mid-Wave Fluorescent Beauty
A beautiful fluorescent calcite from the Viburnum Trend in southeastern Missouri. This large single crystal (~4 Inches long) on matrix is...

Manganoan Calcite, Montreal Mine, Montreal, Wisconsin
This is a manganoan calcite nodule on a goethite matrix, from a location not generally known for producing fluorescent minerals- the...

Calcite, Valders Quarry, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Plate of scalenohedral calcite crystals showing an unusual purple/blue fluorescent response under mid wave UV (302 nm). This specimen is...

Multi-Wave Calcite Crystal Cluster, Sweetwater Mine, Reynolds County, Missouri
Aesthetic cluster of waxy, pale yellow, calcite scalenohedrons and minor chalcopyrite on a minimal limestone matrix, from the Sweetwater...

Calcite Crystals on Limestone, Pugh Quarry, Custar, Ohio
This midwestern fluorescent beauty consists of pockets of scalenohedral calcite crystals on a limestone matrix, and was collected from...

Watermelon Rock- Looks almost good enough to eat!
There is a widespread area that spans a region within America's Heartland between northwestern Nebraska to southwestern South Dakota that...

Multi-Wavelength Calcite and Fluorite from the Denton Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
This spectacular fluorescent specimen features multiple golden, twinned, calcite crystals on a matrix of dark purple,...

Fluorite, Calcite and Hydrozincite; Minerva No. 1 Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
This beautiful multi-colored fluorescent specimen was surface collected from the tailings that remain at the site of the former Minerva...

Strontianite from the Historic Cave-In-Rock Mining District
Strontianite is an uncommon strontium carbonate mineral that was sometimes encountered during fluorspar (fluorite) mining activities in...

Root Beer Fluorite from Clay Center, Ohio; A Midwest Fluorescent Classic
Lustrous root beer-colored fluorite cubes on a light grey limestone matrix, from the Stoneco White Rock Quarry, Clay Center, Ottawa Co.,...

Fluorite, May Stone Quarry, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Large plate of water-clear, honey-colored fluorite crystals on a light grey limestone matrix. From the May Stone and Sand Quarry in Ft....

Calcite and Sulfur from the Maybee Quarry, Maybee, Michigan
A fluorescent beauty from the Midwest. Yes, there are fluorescent minerals in the Midwest! Brightly fluorescent/phosphorescent calcite...
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