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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Beautiful 5-Color Fluorescent Rock from Franklin, New Jersey
This is a beautiful rock from the Franklin mine, Franklin, Sussex County, New Jersey, that shows a spectacular 5-color fluorescent...

Clinohedrite and Willemite, Franklin, New Jersey
This classic fluorescent rock from Franklin, New Jersey, contains orange fluorescent clinohedrite, green fluorescing willemite, and black...

Color-Change Calcite, Franklin, New Jersey
This is an interesting calcite specimen that was collected during the 2017 Super Diggg at Franklin, New Jersey. Found at night on the...

Barite, Calcite and Franklinite, Sterling Mine, Sterling Hill, New Jersey
This is a large-grained rock containing light grey-colored calcite and barite, and black franklinite crystals; a much sought after...

Elusive Multi-Wave UV Fluorescent Hardystonite, Franklin, New Jersey
The beautiful blue fluorescent mineral hardystonite is a favorite among collectors of specimens from Franklin, New Jersey. This mineral...

Wollastonite, Willsboro, New York
Collectors of fluorescent minerals are familiar with the bright, warm yellow, fluorescent wollastonite from the Franklin/Sterling Hill,...

Wollastonite and Calcite, Sterling Mine, Sterling Hill, New Jersey
This is a light-colored, granite-like rock that predominantly contains wollastonite crystals in a calcite groundmass, with other...

Diopside, Lake Valhalla Quarry, Montville Township, New Jersey
Light-colored piece of diopside with a marble-like texture, from the Lake Valhalla Quarry, Montville Township, Morris Co., New Jersey. ...

Chlorophane, Sphalerite, Fluorapatite, Willemite from Franklin, New Jersey
This is a beautiful 4-color, mixed mineral, fluorescent specimen from the Franklin Mine, Franklin, New Jersey. The primary component is...

Esperite, Franklin, New Jersey
This is a very bright esperite specimen from the Franklin Mine, Franklin, New Jersey. Having excellent esperite coverage, this specimen...

Scapolite and Calcite, Sterling Hill, New Jersey
This rock contains an assemblage of light, colorless scapolite and calcite and dark franklinite, from the famous Sterling Mine, Sterling...

Marialite-Meionite Scapolite ("Wernerite"), Rose Road, Pitcairn, New York
This multi-wave fluorescent specimen contains wernerite, diopside and minor calcite, collected from the Purple Diopside Mound (PDM), Rose...

Brightly Fluorescent Diopside in Calcite, Fort Ann, New York
This is a spectacular fluorescent Diopside specimen that rivals most Franklin material for brightness. Collected in 1995 from a roadcut...

Fluoborite, Bodnar Quarry, Rudeville, New Jersey
Crystals of light grey fluoborite in a groundmass of white Franklin marble, from the Bodnar Quarry, Rudeville, Hardyston Township, Sussex...

Norbergite, Sterling Mine
Grains of brown/yellow Norbergite on white Franklin marble, from the Sterling Mine, Sterling Hill, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., New Jersey. ...

Willemite Lightning in a Hardystonite Sky
Spectacular under short wave UV, green fluorescent willemite lightning bolts flash in a blue hardystonite sky in this specimen from the...

Crazy Calcite, Franklin, New Jersey
Crazy calcite is an unofficial local name applied to a type of rock containing dolomite in calcite from Franklin, New Jersey, that...

Diopside in Calcite, Fort Ann, New York
Grains of brightly fluorescent diopside with minor non-fluorescent pyrite in a calcite groundmass, from the Rt. 4 Roadcut, Fort Ann,...

Talc, Gouveneur Talc Co. Mine, Balmat, New York
Mass of platy, cream/white-colored talc crystals, from the Gouveneur Talc Co. Mine, Balmat, New York. This specimen shows an...

Tremolite and Anthophyllite, Balmat, New York
Foliated layers of needle-like crystals of light pink tremolite and intergrown anthophyllite, from Balmat, St. Lawrence County, New York....
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