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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Phosgenite from Monteponi
Large grey-brown semi-transparent Phosgenite crystals emerge from the galena matrix. Sample of very low visual impact in daylight due to...

Calcite on Fluorite from Moscona Mine, Spain.
Moscona Mine, located in El Pontón de SolÃs region, town of Corvera de Asturias, in Spain. The fluorite in this location appears in the...

Lepidolite Microcline from Padrón river, Estepona, Malaga, Spain.
From the lithium pegmatites in the Padrón river, Estepona, Malaga, Andalusia, Spain, better known for their beautiful Elbaite and...

Foyaite Igneous Rock from Monchique complex, Monchique, Faro, Portugal.
A nepheline syenite with predominant orthoclase and a trachytic texture. These are rich in fluorescent Sodalite

Alexandrite in Beryl var. Emerald from A Franqueira, A Cañiza, Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain.
Alexandrite is a variety of chrysoberyl. The most striking characteristic of this gem and that gives it more value is that it has a...

Sørensenite, Tugtupite. Kvanefjeld, IlÃmaussaq complex, Kujalleq, Greenland
This is a very unusual combo with the rare Sørensenite associated with Tugtupite. Its best response is under short-wave UV light,...

Scheelite, La Parrilla mine (Adelaida open pit mine), AlmoharÃn, Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain.
La Parrilla mine (Adelaida open pit mine), AlmoharÃn, Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain. The largest tungsten mine in Spain and considered the...

Sellaite - Fluorite from Fontsante (France)
This is an old Sellaite (with minor Fluorite) specimen coming from the BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières) in Paris...

Hydrozincite and Smithsonite from Zorzone, Italy
This is a small nice Italian Zorzone mine Hydrozincite and Smithsonite specimen. The Hydrozincite coverage and thickness is very high on...

Fluorite and its different responses under UV light.
The classic fluorescent mineral, but all fluorites are not luminescent under UV ! Showing here some fluorites with different responses...

Sodalite (Hackmanite) with Chkalovite, Phosphorescent Greenland
Greenland offers up some of the most interesting pieces of hackmanite, usually with the brightest fluorescence. This piece checks all the...

Chalcedoy & Unknown from Batallones Hill, Torrejón de Velasco, Madrid, Spain
This is a really amazing specimen and it is not only because of its color contrast but also because of its intense glow after SW the...

Brightly Fluorescent Tugtupite from the Taseq Slope, Ilimaussaq complex, Kujalleq, Greenland
This brightly fluorescent tugtupite specimen was collected in 2005 by Mark Cole from the Western Taseq Slope of the Ilmaussaq complex,...

Green Sodalite, Kangerlussaq, Greenland
Green Sodalite (Hackmanite) (SW/LW: orange) on Lujavrite, Feldspar (SW: magenta), Uranyl-activated coating (SW: green) Locale:...

Schalenblende, Raibl Mines, Tarvisio, Italy
Specimen of fluorescent schalenblende from the Raibl Mines, Cave del Predil, Tarvisio, Udine Province, Friulli Benezia Giulia, Italy,...

"Fantasy rock" from Taseq West, IlÃmaussaq complex, Kujalleq, Greenland
Here is a really nice "Fantasy rock" that I recently acquired. It contains only modest amounts of tugtupite, occurring as replacement...

Hackmanite from Narsaq, Illmaussaq complex, Greenland
Shown in this post is a modest-sized, but pretty nice specimen of hackmanite from Narsaq, Illmaussaq complex, Greenland. It is associated...

Multi-Wavelength Aragonite, Agrigento, Sicily, Italy
The sulfur mines of the Agrigento region of Sicily, Italy are notable for the production of well-formed clusters, plates and groupings of...

Charoite, Aegirine, Microcline, Tinkasite, and Steacyite, MurMurunskii Massif, Russia
This is a polished slab of purple charoite, black aegirine, white microcline, light brown tinkasite, and steacyite from the Murunskii...

Willemite, Fluorite, Calcite. Garpenberg, Sweden.
Willemite, Fluorite, Calcite. Garpenberg, Sweden Short wave green Willemite, red Calcite & Long wave blue Fluorite.
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