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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Pargasite and Diopside, Franklin Quarry, Franklin, New Jersey
This rock contains large grains of green pargasite and grey-white diopside, and is quite attractive under both UV and visible light. It...

Diopside and Calcite, Pitwak Mine, Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan, Afghanistan
This exceptional fluorescent specimen consists of numerous blocky diopside crystals encrusted upon and embedded within a calcite-marble...

Bright and Colorful Multi-Wave Afghanite Specimen from Badakhshan, Afghanistan
Here's a specimen from Sar-e-Sang, Koksha Valley, Badakhshan, Afghanistan that displays well under both UV and visible light. When...

Unusual Hauyne Crystals from Afghanistan
This specimen is from Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan, Afghanistan. The specimen contains 3 fluorescent minerals, gonnardite ((Na,Ca)2(Si,Al)5O10...

Forsterite from Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan, Afghanistan
I replied to a question [in the FB FLM group] asked by Robert Jones about a red phosphorescent mineral in a specimen containing Lazurite...

Phlogopite, Forsterite in Marble from Afghanistan.
Centimetric Phlogopite crystals with Fluo Orange LW-MW yellow SW and Forsterite or diopsid (difficult to differentiate without an...

Fluorescent combo from the Long Lake Zinc Mine, near Parham, Ontario, Canada
Shown here is a nice specimen of fluorescent calcitic marble from this well-known Canadian locale. The most abundant mineral is the red...

Fluorescent phlogopite and diopside - Papineau RCM, Outaouais, Quebec, Canada
Shown here is one of the best pieces of fluorescent phlogopite & diopside I found, during visits in a new occurrence with one of my...

Afghanistan Minerals - New Identifications
There have been several posts in our Facebook Group ( recently identifying some of...

Chondrodite, Calcite, Diopside, Aragonite - Long Lake Zinc Mine, Ontario, Canada
Classic combo from LLZ. In SW, the chondrodite fluoresces yellow, the calcite pink, the diopside aqua blue, and the aragonite blue. Lit...

Vesuvian Mix from Pompeii disaster
This mineral comes from Somma-Vesuvius Complex (Naples, Italy). It was found around 1960s in the pumice layers of the 79 DC Vesuvius ...

Smithsonite (?) on Diopside (?) from the Red Raven Mine Adelanto, CA
Diopside (fl blue & yellow), smithsonite (fl red) under 253.7nm SW from the Red Raven Mine in Adelanto, CA. All mineral identifications...

Diopside, Lake Valhalla Quarry, Montville Township, New Jersey
Light-colored piece of diopside with a marble-like texture, from the Lake Valhalla Quarry, Montville Township, Morris Co., New Jersey. ...

Marialite-Meionite Scapolite ("Wernerite"), Rose Road, Pitcairn, New York
This multi-wave fluorescent specimen contains wernerite, diopside and minor calcite, collected from the Purple Diopside Mound (PDM), Rose...

Brightly Fluorescent Diopside in Calcite, Fort Ann, New York
This is a spectacular fluorescent Diopside specimen that rivals most Franklin material for brightness. Collected in 1995 from a roadcut...

Diopside in Calcite, Fort Ann, New York
Grains of brightly fluorescent diopside with minor non-fluorescent pyrite in a calcite groundmass, from the Rt. 4 Roadcut, Fort Ann,...

Canadian Lightning Storm- Aragonite Bolts from the Long Lake Zinc Mine
Aragonite "lightning bolts" fluoresce bright blue/white on this spectacular specimen from the Long Lake Zinc Mine, Olden Township, near...

Seven! Color Fluorescent, Merelani, Tanzania
Here is a SEVEN color fluorescent specimen from the Merelani Hills in Tanzania. Under Shortwave UV you can see Yellow fluorescing...

Calcite, Diopside, and Chondrodite, Long Lake Zinc Mine, Parham, Ontario, Canada
This spectacular fluorescent specimen is from the Long Lake Zinc Mine, Olden Township, near Parham, Frontenac Co., Ontario, Canada. The...
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