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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Brightly Fluorescent Hyalite Opal from the Erongo Mountains, Namibia
This brilliantly fluorescent specimen from the Erongo Mountains of Namibia features colorless to greenish-yellow, transparent, glassy...

Complex Twinned Calcite, Sambava, Madagascar
During 2004-2005, a limited find of morphologically complex, multiply twinned, light yellow, gemmy calcite was made in the cavities of a...

Red Fluorescent Fluorite from Morocco
Red fluorescence in fluorite is uncommon and is a response that is typically brightest under long wave UV (365 nm). Two notable...

Eucryptite from Namibia
This is a large slab cut from a big Eucryptite nodule. From a new location! Strathmore pegmatites, Cape Cross area, Erongo Region,...

Cerussite on Dolomite crystals from Morocco.
Twinned dipyramidal crystals (cyclic twin) of Cerussite on rhombohedral Dolomite micro crystals with intense red UVC fluo, Cerussite is...

Fluorescent Gem Scapolite from Tanzania
This sparkling little gem scapolite crystal was a find at the 2018 Tucson Gem & Mineral Show. Its country of origin is Tanzania, but the...

Slow to Glow Hemimorphite from the Skorpion Mine, Namibia
Hemimorphite is a zinc silicate hydrate mineral that is found in various locations worldwide. Most hemimorphite specimens show little or...

Cerussite, Barite - Les Dalles Mine, Mibladen, Morocco
Macro photo of a large (18mm) translucent yellow stepped cerussite crystal, perched on blades of pink and yellow barite. In MW the...

Zircon - Kasungu, Malawi
A large chocolate brown zircon crystal from Malawi exhibiting yellow SW fluorescence. Lit by a 15w Glw Stck. Specimen is 54 x 38 x 36mm.

Multi-Wavelength Fluorite from Aouli, Morocco
This gemmy cluster of yellow fluorite cubes from Aouli, Morocco makes a nice display specimen under normal light. Under UV, however, it...

Anglesite, Touissit Mine, Oujda, Morocco
A new mineral to us, we found this specimen buried in a flat of old specimens at a local rock show. We left it there for two days, and it...

Willemite and Calcite. Broken Hill, Zambia (Africa)
Radial brownish Willemite concretions with a 2nd generation growth of white cristals. These fluoresce very bright and willemite has...

Tarbuttite; Broken Hill Mine, Zambia
Here's a quartet of Tarbuttite specimens from the Broken Hill Mine in Kabwe Zambia. Though not as bright as the material from the...

Zinc Minerals Willemite and Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia.
Green Willemite and white-tan Smithsonite -as described in Robbins (1994). Willemite covers about half of the surface of the specimen...

Olmiite, Nchwaning Mine II, South Africa
A small (2.5 inch) olmiite and calcite from the Nchwaning Mine II in South Africa. The Olmiite fluoresces a deep red, in all wavelengths....

Tenebrescent Hemimorphite, Fluorapatite, Tarbuttite; Skorpion Mine, Namibia
Though our collection isn't very extensive, this is without a doubt, the most unique piece we have. First of all, the color patterns...

Cerussite and Barite, Mibladen, Morocco
Yellowish-colored, well-formed, gemmy crystals of cerussite on a bed of galena, with minor orange barite crystals, from Mibladen, Morocco....

Hyalite Opal (Opal-An), Erongo Mountains, Namibia
Hyalite opal is almost always bright green and can be found all over the world. The opal from the Erongo Mountains in Namibia, however,...

Seven! Color Fluorescent, Merelani, Tanzania
Here is a SEVEN color fluorescent specimen from the Merelani Hills in Tanzania. Under Shortwave UV you can see Yellow fluorescing...

Peach Manganocalcite, South Africa
Most manganocalcite we've seen is white or off-white. This piece from the Kalahari Fields in South Africa is most definitely a soft,...
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