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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Calcite, Fluorite, Willemite, and Aragonite?; Hull Mine, Arizona
A really stunning piece from the Hull Mine, in Arizona. Red calcite, blue fluorite, green willemite, and potentially white...
Calcite, Fluorite, Willemite; Black Rock Mine, Arizona
Arizona has a lot of great mines and stunning material. Here's a nice one from the the Black Rock Mine in Yuma County, Arizona. Great...
Terlingua-Type Calcite, San Vicente Mine, Coahuila, Mexico
Terlingua-type calcite shows a similar response to UV light compared to true Terlingua calcite, from the Terlingua, Texas, area. True...
Calcite with a little Fluorite, Taolin Mine, China
A large and pretty calcite specimen from the Taolin Mine, Linxiang County, Hunan, China. The calcite glows a bright red in SW and a much...
A large cabinet sized calcite from Belgium
Quite a bolder and a quite pretty bicolored one! Locatlity: Bertrix, Luxemburg, Belgium. I haven't a clue what causes the somewhat...
Fluorescent Calcite from the Badger State
This is a single, colorless calcite crystal from one of the lead mines that used to operate in Shullsburg, Wisconsin. Under UV, this...
Sweetwater Agate, Agate Flats, Wyoming
This is a nodule of Sweetwater Agate, a translucent grey/blue dendritic agate found in the Agate Flats area, north of the Sweetwater...
Adamite, Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Mexico
This is an exceptionally bright fluorescent adamite specimen from the Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Under visible light,...
Hanksite, Searles Lake, Trona, California
This is a pair of intergrown, barrel-shaped hanksite crystals, from Searles Lake, Trona, San Bernardino Co., California. The hanksite...
Calcite, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Wheat sheaf bundles of parallel growth calcite crystals on a yellow/brown fluorite matrix, from Cave-In-Rock, Hardin County, Illinois. ...
Purple Hackmanite - Afghanistan
If you like fluorescent rocks you will really like this. I recently purchased a flat of top grade extreme color changing hackmanite mine...
Colemanite, Bigadic Mine, Turkey
Though not a stunning fluorescent material, Colemanite is typically quite bright and sometimes phosphorescent. This specimen, from the...
Scapolite, Valyermo, California
California has a wide variety of minerals from a wide variety of locales. Here is a scapolite from Valyermo, in the High Desert area of...
Wollastonite, Fengjiashan Mine, China
Wollastonite from the Fengjiashan Mine, Daye, Hubei, China. Not especially bright compared to other minerals, but a very nice subtle...
Opal, Peacock Mine, Virgin Valley, Nevada
Here's an Opal from the Peacock Mine in the Virgin Valley of Nevada. Though opal typically only glows green, the mineral is great for...
Esperite, calcite and willemite
This is on of the more difficult combos to photograph. It a large rock, more than fist-sized. All three colors are caused by manganese as...
Calcite Crystals, Linwood Mine, Buffalo, Iowa
This is a large cluster of transparent, modified rhombohedral calcite crystals on limestone matrix. It was collected in 2016 from the...
Fluorescent Afghanite Crystals on Calcite, from Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan
This is a spectacular and unique fluorescent specimen that has a lot going on under every UV wavelength. It perhaps shows the greatest...
Barite Crystals, Linwood Mine, Buffalo, Iowa
This is a large cluster of intergrown, prismatic, light golden/smoky colored barite crystals, on a minimal limestone matrix. It was...
Another Franklin combo
Sphalerite with willemite. The spalerite has a nice phosphorescence, which helps to distinguish it from calcite. SW en MW-UV combined....
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