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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Root Beer Fluorite Cube with Celestine, Stoneco White Rock Quarry, Clay Center, Ohio
A single, large, root beer-colored fluorite cube with minor translucent celestine, from the Stoneco White Rock Quarry, Clay Center,...
Crazy Calcite, Franklin, New Jersey
Crazy calcite is an unofficial local name applied to a type of rock containing dolomite in calcite from Franklin, New Jersey, that...
Calcite, Willemite - Puttapa Australia
A nice 3.75" example from Puttapa Australia. From the Warrington collection, WA. Photographed under LW and SW with a 60mm macro lens at...
Diopside in Calcite, Fort Ann, New York
Grains of brightly fluorescent diopside with minor non-fluorescent pyrite in a calcite groundmass, from the Rt. 4 Roadcut, Fort Ann,...
Gypsum var. Selenite -Cathedral Valley Utah
I call this Bird of Paradise. A fabulous Gypsum specimen photographed in LW. LW is the brightest. MW is dimmer, and SW is even dimmer -...
Dugway Geode, Dugway Geode Beds, Juab County, Utah
Many of the geodes collected from the famous Dugway Geode Beds in the Utah West Desert show impressive green fluorescence under UV. This...
Apatite, Hydrozincite, Microcline, Calcite - Sterling Hill NJ
A large specimen from Sterling Hill measuring 6 x 3 x 2" weighing 1lb 13oz.
Youngite, from the Youngite Caves, Guernsey, Wyoming
Fluorescent youngite specimen from Guernsey, Wyoming. Youngite is an agatized brecciated jasper with a coating of grayish translucent...
Calcite, Willemite, Smithsonite - Puttapa Australia
This is a recent barn find rescue. A fabulous fluorescent example from Puttapa Australia. This rock weighs 1 lb 9 oz and is about 5"...
Wernerite- A Spectacular Long Wave Mineral
Wernerite is a member of the scapolite family, intermediate between Meionite and Marialite. Its interest to fluorescent mineral...
Liebigite, Schwartzwalder Mine, Jefferson Co., Colorado
Yellowish green scales of liebigite on schist, from the Schwartzwalder Mine, Jefferson Co., Colorado. Liebigite is a secondary uranyl...
Fluorescent Fossil Clams, Pipe Creek Jr. Quarry, Marion, Indiana
And now for something a little different! This is a fossil comprised of bivalve mollusk shells in limestone, from the Pipe Creek Jr....
Lava Cap Thunder Egg, Deming, New Mexico
A cut, but unpolished, Lava Cap Thunder Egg half, containing chalcedony, calcite and manganese oxide pseudomorphs, enclosed in a rhyolite...
Talc, Gouveneur Talc Co. Mine, Balmat, New York
Mass of platy, cream/white-colored talc crystals, from the Gouveneur Talc Co. Mine, Balmat, New York. This specimen shows an...
Fluorapatite in Jumillaite
Jumillaite is not a recognized mineral species. It's a post-volcanic mixture of different silicates, such as analcime, leucite and...
The exsolution game... Willemite, calcite and tephroite.
The labels of specimens like this nearly always read "Calcite & willemite". They never mention the non-fluorescent massive brown stuff,...
Almost a 6 color piece
Green willemite, violet-blue hardystonite and orange clinohedrite. Some very minor calcite and a spec of esperite are on the back side....
Phlogopite, Hackmanite, Winchite; Sar-E-Sang, Afghanistan
Phlogopite, hackmanite, and winchite from Sar-E-Sang Jurm, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan. The phlogopite, a mica, glows yellow, the...
Fluorapatite, Harding Mine, Taos Co., New Mexico
Blue-green fluorapatite in a Harding pegmatite groundmass consisting of quartz and muscovite schist. From the Harding Mine, near Dixon,...
Spodumene, B.B. #7 Quarry, Norway, Maine
This is an off-white to pinkish section of a spodumene crystal, with two intact crystal faces, from the B.B. #7 Quarry, Norway, Oxford...
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