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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Scheelite, Hyalite from the Princess Pat Mine, Adelanto, CA
Scheelite (fl white) & hyalite (fl green) from P Pat. Super bright because it's a completely fresh face.
Polylithionite from Greenland
Plates of silvery polylithionite mica and pink crystals of eudialyte dominate this specimen from Kangerluarssaq fjord, Ilímaussaq...
Smithsonite (?) on Diopside (?) from the Red Raven Mine Adelanto, CA
Diopside (fl blue & yellow), smithsonite (fl red) under 253.7nm SW from the Red Raven Mine in Adelanto, CA. All mineral identifications...
Multi-wave Calcite from the Franklin Mine, New Jersey
So many times when we see on blindingly bright calcite from Franklin, we yawn. However, sometimes there's a surprise. As usual, this...
Scheelite Octahedrons on Matrix, Ortiz mine, Golden, New Mexico
Honey colored, octahedral scheelite crystals on a light matrix, from the Oriiz mine, Golden, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. Under short...
Adamite and Austinite, Gold Hill mine, Tooele Co., Utah
Specimen consisting of white, radiating sprays of acicular crystals of austinite, and small, greenish yellow prismatic crystals of...
Polylithionite Rose from Mt. St. Hilaire
(English version) Polylithionite rose over a small microcline matrix. Fluorescence is the tipical yellow in Sw and in this sample it’s...
Calcite Aragonite from Boccheggiano, Tuscany (Italy)
(English version) The worldwide denomination aragostrontianite for this mineral is incorrect. This carbonate tipical of Bocchieggiano /...
Chondrodite and Diopside, Warwick, New York
The Amity area of the Town of Warwick, in Orange County, New York, is located near the central region of the Franklin marble belt, and is...
Red Phantoms in Mariposa (Butterfly) Calcite from Santa Eulalia, Mexico
(English version) This specimen could be classified as an “common Mariposa Calcite” from Mexico (Buena Tierra Mine, Santra Eulalia). And...
Sphalerite and Hydrozincite, Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah
This triangular-shaped piece of waste rock was surface collected from a tailings pile at the Maxfield mine, in Big Cottonwood Canyon,...
Calcite on Barite, Lockport, Kentucky
This is an interesting fluorescent specimen from a location previously unknown for producing fluorescent minerals- the Lockport Vein,...
Meta-Autunite Torbernite 'Green Garden' from Portugal
Here a beautiful mix of Autunite and Torbernite from Assunçao (Portugal). On a gray rock matrix are several crystals of Meta-Autunite...
Zinc Minerals Willemite and Smithsonite from Tsumeb, Namibia.
Green Willemite and white-tan Smithsonite -as described in Robbins (1994). Willemite covers about half of the surface of the specimen...
Witherite, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
Witherite is a relatively rare barium carbonate mineral that shows a blue/white fluorescent response under short and long wave UV. The...
Quartz, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois
The Cave-In-Rock area of Hardin County, Illinois, is best known to collectors for its historical production of world-class specimens of...
Coral-Like Formation of Aragonite, from Mexico
This is a bright white, branching coral-like formation of pristine aragonite that shows a beautiful multi-wave fluorescent response under...
Scheelite, Powellite, and other misc. non-fluorescent minerals from the Pine Creek Mine, Scheelite,
Under normal daylight, this is an unimpressive looking mottled rock containing grey, black, white, and reddish/brown minerals, from the...
Willemite, Balmat, New York
Light grey, translucent crystals of willemite on and in a light grey matrix, from Balmat, St. Lawrence Co., New York. The willemite...
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