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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Hackmanite, scapolite, johachidolite, etc., from Myanmar
Small but lovely specimen, consisting of hackmanite, scapolite, johachidolite and feldspar. The hackmanite is so tenebrescent, even under...

Hackmanite, scapolite, johachidolite, feldspar, etc, from Myanmar
Shown here is a very nice specimen of super deeply tenebrescent sodalite var. hackmanite, from the Mogok Township, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District,...

Hyalite-Coated Chalcedony and Fluorite, SK Star Claim #2, Juab Co., Utah
This interesting and unique fluorescent specimen looks like something you'd expect to find in an underwater coral reef. Collected from...

Red Trinitite, a Piece of Atomic History
Red trinitite is technically not a true mineral, because it was not formed through a geologic process. Rather, this brick-red colored...

Tiffany Stone, Brush Wellman Mine, Delta, Utah
Tiffany stone is a complex rock composed of opalized fluorite with bands and veins of chalcedony, manganese oxide and bertrandite. The...

Fluorescent Chalcanthite with Antlerite, Brochantite-MDO2 and Shungite(1) - Dongchaun, China/荧光胆矾
An unusual find in Dec 2021, hard to say to be beautiful but strange enough indeed. As chalcanthite is a simple copper sulfate mineral,...

Agrellite, with albite and uranyl-activated green fluorescence from Kipawa, Quebec, Canada
Nice three colors combo from the famous Kipawa alkaline complex in Western Quebec, Canada. I like how well balanced the colors are on...

Green Fluorescent Fluorite, Fourmile Creek, Colorado
Rare green fluorescent botryoidal fluorite from the Fourmile Creek area, near Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado. Fluorite in...

Greenland Fantasy Rock, a Spectacular, Multi-Colored Fluorescent Treat from the Taseq Slope
This is an excellent example of Greenland Fantasy Rock, showing a beautiful multi-colored, multi-wavelength fluorescent response under...

Daylight Fluorescent Hyalite Opal, Zacatecas, Mexico
Colorless to greenish, transparent, glassy bubbles of hyalite opal (Opal-AN) covering an unknown brown/grey colored matrix, from Electric...

Tiffany Stone, Delta, Utah
Tiffany stone is a complex rock composed of opalized fluorite with bands and veins of chalcedony, manganese oxide and bertrandite. The...

Rare Green Fluorescent Fluorite, Fourmile Creek, Colorado
Fluorite is a mineral that occurs in many different colors and habits, and is often fluorescent under UV. Most commonly, fluorite shows...

Polylithionite from Greenland
Plates of silvery polylithionite mica and pink crystals of eudialyte dominate this specimen from Kangerluarssaq fjord, Ilímaussaq...

Meta-Autunite Torbernite 'Green Garden' from Portugal
Here a beautiful mix of Autunite and Torbernite from Assunçao (Portugal). On a gray rock matrix are several crystals of Meta-Autunite...

Hyalite Opal Geode from Mexico
This is a hollow, rhyolitic, geode nodule half containing a botryoidal, bubbly mass of colorless hyalite opal and small quartz flowers,...

Escherlike crystals of Adamite
This is a nice little gemmy Adamite from the Ojuela Mine, Mapami, Durango, Mexico. It is pretty small (4.2 cm x 3.1 cm x 1.6 cm, 28.3...

Metauranocircite, Davier Mine, South Dakota
Small yellow/green, plate-like, crystals of metauranocircite on a dark limonitic stained Rhyolite matrix. From the Davier Mine, located...

Natrozippeite from the Little Eva Mine, Grand County, Utah
Natrozippeite, also known as sodium zippeite, is a secondary hydrous sodium uranium sulfate that commonly forms as efflorescent...

Scapolite, Feldspar and Uraninite; Ontario, Canada
Very interesting fluorescent specimen consisting of a cluster of large, blocky, light-colored scapolite crystals (partially altered to...

Liebigite, Schwartzwalder Mine, Jefferson Co., Colorado
Yellowish green scales of liebigite on schist, from the Schwartzwalder Mine, Jefferson Co., Colorado. Liebigite is a secondary uranyl...
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