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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
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Scalenoedric Calcite "dog's tooth" from La Cruz mine, Spain.
Scalenoedric calcite "dog's tooth". La Cruz mine, El Cobre stream, Linares, Linares-La Carolina district, Jaén, Andalusia, Spain. The...
Acicular Aragonite.
Acicular Aragonite "aka" Aragonito de Pantoja. Deposit located in the municipality of Pantoja in Toledo. This municipality is...
Calcite, Fluorite, Willemite, Smithsonite, Aragonite from Arizona
This specimen was mined during a trip with Bill Gardner in the 2005 and comes from Hogan Claim site. Nothing to say about the calcite...
Fluorite Barite with coating from Moscona mine. Spain.
Fluorite and Barite of pale fluorescence with a coating of rare sand give it a contrast that makes it really aesthetic. 90x 60 mm Under...
Calcite from Moscona mine.
Scalenohedral Calcite with inclusions of pyrite and rare sand coating possible response with a nice orange color combined with rosaceo...
Calcite, Fluorite, Pyrite from Moscona Mine.
Moscona mine. More known for its fluorites of unusual white fluorescence with long phosphorescence in some samples being more common in...
Calcite and Sulfur from the Maybee Quarry, Maybee, Michigan
A fluorescent beauty from the Midwest. Yes, there are fluorescent minerals in the Midwest! Brightly fluorescent/phosphorescent calcite...
Phlogopite, Afghanite, Calcite, Unknowns...a different point of view
White glassy calcite matrix mainly covered by Afghanite Phlogopite and other several varieties of fluorescent and NF minerals in small...
Fluorite Cubes, Walworth Quarry, Walworth, New York
The Walworth Quarry has been a productive source of highly desirable fluorite specimens for many years. The Walworth fluorites are...
Fluorite from Bluffton, Ohio
The Midwest is host to a variety of locations that have produced unique fluorite specimens that do not show the typical deep blue...
Manganaxinite and Probable Margarosanite, Franklin mine, Franklin, New Jersey
Buff-colored piece of solid Axinite-(Mn) [aka manganaxinite], with minor willemite and a blue/white fluorescent mineral that is likely...
Septarian Nodule, Orderville, Utah
This is a polished slice of a septarian nodule from the famous Muddy Creek location in Orderville, Kane Co., Utah. The interior of these...
Fluorescent Multi-Wave Calcite from the Elmwood Mine
Every so often, a common location will produce a very uncommon specimen. The Elmwood mine, a zinc mine located in Carthage, Tennessee,...
Willemite and Calcite. Broken Hill, Zambia (Africa)
Radial brownish Willemite concretions with a 2nd generation growth of white cristals. These fluoresce very bright and willemite has...
Vesuvian Mix from Pompeii disaster
This mineral comes from Somma-Vesuvius Complex (Naples, Italy). It was found around 1960s in the pumice layers of the 79 DC Vesuvius ...
Scheelite Octahedrons on Matrix, Ortiz mine, Golden, New Mexico
Honey colored, octahedral scheelite crystals on a light matrix, from the Oriiz mine, Golden, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. Under short...
Polylithionite Rose from Mt. St. Hilaire
(English version) Polylithionite rose over a small microcline matrix. Fluorescence is the tipical yellow in Sw and in this sample it’s...
Calcite Aragonite from Boccheggiano, Tuscany (Italy)
(English version) The worldwide denomination aragostrontianite for this mineral is incorrect. This carbonate tipical of Bocchieggiano /...
Red Phantoms in Mariposa (Butterfly) Calcite from Santa Eulalia, Mexico
(English version) This specimen could be classified as an “common Mariposa Calcite” from Mexico (Buena Tierra Mine, Santra Eulalia). And...
Calcite on Barite, Lockport, Kentucky
This is an interesting fluorescent specimen from a location previously unknown for producing fluorescent minerals- the Lockport Vein,...
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