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Fluorescent Mineral Photo Gallery
Minerals that are fluorescent under shortwave, midwave, and/or longwave UV from around the world. Each database entry shows white light photos along with UV photos, as well as localities and descriptions. Use the index to search for specific minerals, or fluorescent minerals from a region. If this page is entered via the index, the results are filtered.
Click any thumbnail for a full set of larger images. Skip to the next page of images below, or filter by
Sodalite Explained
(Posted by Mark Cole from the FMS FB group) Sodalite is a mineral and a mineral group. The sodalite group contains the minerals...

UV Flashlights - Outlandish Claims of Power
I’m really getting tired of all the BS out there. Chinese vendors make outlandish claims about their flashlights and non-technical...

What is the Best UV Flashlight for Minerals? (No bias, no clickbait - just the facts)
Longwave, shortwave, midwave flashlights are all the rage lately. 365nm, 255nm, 310nm - some amazing fluorescent minerals are being...

Fluorescent Mineral Photography Studio
While visiting my granddaughter in Florida I had time to revamp my daughter's UV light box. The old one was too small for the large...

The Next Evolution in Fluorescent Mineral Flashlights - Shortwave and Midwave
(work in progress....) Just a few years ago my feeling was that we would not see SW flashlights "in my lifetime". I was so wrong. They...

Afghanistan Minerals - New Identifications
There have been several posts in our Facebook Group ( recently identifying some of...

DIY: Converting a Work Light into a Portable Short Wave Lamp
I'm not sure how many people have built the 18 watt SW conversion from Mark Cole's plans on MinerShop, but if you did or intend to do so,...

DIY: Converting a Transilluminator into a Short Wave Lamp
My small hand-held short wave lamp is useful, but has its limitations. I was interested in a much more powerful light for display and...

Cataract Surgery - How does it Affect Our Eyes and Viewing Fluorescent Minerals
Serious question here. I just had cataract surgery and can now only see FS with sunglasses on. Does anyone know if this will improve as I...

Black Display Boxes for Flats
(This is copied from a Facebook post by Bruce W. Black boxes are had to find for our hobby; white boxes destroy fluorescence.): Ever...

BATTERIES - Selecting the Proper Battery for your 365nm UV Flashlight, Convoy S2, Convoy C8, FyrFly
In general, the Ah capacity of batteries sold from China are not worth the plastic they are printed on. The vendors/manufacturers lie so the

FyrFly Convoy C8 365nm UV Flashlight - The Next Generation Convoy - an Original Design by Group Cons
The most powerful 365nm flashlight in its class (or any class). Open source design

What Kind of Flashlight Do I Need? (365nm versus 390/395/400nm Unfiltered UV Flashlights)
Friends don't let friends use crappy unfiltered 390nm flashlights. This is an educational post, directed towards folks new to the hobby....

Power Claims of Convoy Type Flashlights
A pet peeve of mine is honesty in advertising. Over the past 3+ months I’ve seen companies advertising ever higher power Convoy type...

Convoy S2+ 365nm False Power Claims - It Ain't 5 Watts (4, 3.5, or even 3)
It's the wild west out there! About three years ago I wrote a blog post about the Convoy S2+ here on Nature's Rainbows. The FLM...

Buyers Guide to the new 365 nm LED UV flashlights
I have happily been using and recommending the Convoy S2+ 365 nm UV flashlight since early 2017 when Mark Cole first posted about it. It...

Fluorescent Mineral Collecting Field Trip to the Midwest
In early September 2018, after it looked like my grandchildren’s parents were required to prepare for a U.S. Government shutdown on the...

What is Ultraviolet Light (UV)?
People new to the hobby of fluorescent minerals typically have a lot of questions about UV. What is the difference between shortwave...

2017 FMS Midwest Chapter Annual Meeting
by Chris Clemens The Midwest Chapter of the Fluorescent Mineral Society (FMS) held its first annual meeting at the...

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